

Hong Kong Philharmonic: Selection for Robert Ho Composers’ Scheme 2023/24


Alongside five other Hongkong composers, Angus Lee has been selected to take part in Hong Kong Philharmonic’s Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Composers’ Scheme 2023/2024.




The University of Hong Kong: Faculty member appointment at the Department of Music


Angus Lee has been appointed assistant lecturer at HKU’s Department of Music. As part of his appointment, he is in charge of coordinating all performace-related courses of the Department.




Phase7 & Semperoper Dresden: Commission for a new opera


Angus Lee has been commissioned to co-create (alongside the Berlin-based sound art collective, Klingklangklong) a new opera for Semperoper Dresden’s Season 2022 - 23 opening. Lee will also lead the premiere performances as conductor of the production.




CD release: Angela Hui’s Let Me Tell You Something


Percussionist Angela Hui releases her debut album Let me tell you something, “intimate project, a whisper in listeners’ ears and an invitation into a strange yet beautiful world”, containing the debut recordings of Angus Lee’s Vestigium I & II for solo percussion.




Lucerne Festival: Nomination as Contemporary Leader


As part of Lucerne Festival’s restructuring, Angus Lee has been nominated alongside 14 other LFA alumni as ‘Lucerne Festival Contemporary Leaders’, co-curating the upcoming…




The Orchestra Academy: Admission to Young Pro Platform


Angus has been selected as one of 16 young musicians to participate in the Young Pro Platform, as part of The Orchestra Academy jointly organised by the Hong Kong Philharmonic…




Ensemble Modern: Selection as Conductor at Composition Seminar


Alongside fellow conductor Sara Caneva, Angus Lee will be leading the Ensemble Modern in premiering brand new works by selected composers of the Ensemble’s 10th International Composition Seminar…